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My account :

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My account is a tool where you can submit your personal information and check your orders which will be provided after your order is shipped.

We are specialized in custom designs and logo creation.

We make business, company and club apparel and offer special condition for resellers and bigger orders.

Only the best long lasting quality materials and high end embroidery will be  provided.

 You need your own logo, please contact us for a quote.

 Email us the details of the additional text and logos, if possible attach also a sample image. In case.

If you ordered additional text and we will not receive instructions, the additional text is placed where it best fits.

The general handling time takes 4-6 working days. The shipping time by the carrier can differ depending on your location and will be 15 – 25 working days. 

Shipping to Italy, South America or remote islands can take even longer. 

Our promise to you: You will receive your order or a replacement if it is lost.

We will answer to every e-mail – we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction

Be informed of your rights and obligations, and buy with confidence by understanding the general terms and conditions of sale.

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