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Payment option

Payments Option

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Racing Empire Payments Option
SOGO Departmentstore
555 Hennessy Road
Hong Kong

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Payments Option

Payment Option

We always try to offer the cheapest payment option depending on your place of residence. We are constantly working on expanding and improving our payment options. above all

The opportunities to make international payments are increasing every month. We cannot offer all payment systems that exist worldwide. above all

If payment options are not offered in your country or do not fit, please send us an email and we will try to find a solution. above all

You are also welcome to make suggestions how payments would be easiest for you. We will then try to offer you additonal payment options. above all


We favor above all

  • WISE above all Payments Option
  • REVOLUT above all
  • PAYONEER above all
  • Western Union – including payments with cards


  • Direct bank payments are possible from various countries
  • USA and Canada above all
  • EUROPE – IBAN transfers in Euro above all
  • Switzerland – IBAN transfers in CHF above all
  • UK – IBAN transfers in GBP above all
  • Australia and New Zealand –  payments in national currencies above all
  • Singapore and some other Asian countries –  payments in national currencies above all

Bezahl Option – Deutsch Payments Option

Payments Option

Wir versuchen immer die für Ihren Wohnsitz günstigste Bezahl Option an zu bieten. Wir arbeiten ständig daran unsere Bezahl Option zu erweitern und zu verbessern.

Innerhalb der EU und anderen an das SEPA System angeschlossene Länder bietet sich eine kostenlose Banküberweisung mit IBAN in Euro und CHF an, dieses spart Wechselgebühren.

Gerne können Sie uns auch Vorschläge machen wie eine Zahlung für Sie am einfachsten wäre. Wir werden dann versuchen Ihnen weitere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten an zu bieten.

Wir favorisieren

  • WISE
  • Western Union – inklusive Karten Zahlungen


  • Kostenlose SEPA Bankzahlungen sind aus diversen Ländern möglich – Gerne überprüfen wir ob auch für Ihr Land eine Bezahlung per Bank Überweisung möglich ist
  • USA und Canada
  • EUROPA IBAN Zahlungen in EURO
  • Schweiz IBAN Zahlungen in CHF
  • Groß Britanien IBAN Zahlungen in GBP
  • Australien und Neuseeland
  • Singapur und andere asiatische Länder

Option de paiement – Français Payments Option

Payments Option

Nous essayons toujours d’offrir l’option de paiement la moins chère pour votre résidence. Nous travaillons constamment pour développer et améliorer notre option de paiement.

Au sein de l’UE et d’autres pays liés au système SEPA, un transfert bancaire gratuit avec Iban en Euros et CHF est idéal, ce qui permet d’économiser des frais de changement.

Vous êtes également les bienvenus pour nous faire des suggestions comment un paiement serait le plus facile pour vous. Nous essaierons ensuite de vous offrir d’autres options de paiement.

Nous privilégions
• Western Union – y compris les paiements des cartes

Les paiements bancaires directs sont possibles depuis différents pays – nous serions heureux de vérifier si le paiement par virement bancaire est également possible pour votre pays
• USA et Canada
EUROPE – Paiements IBAN
• Suisse – Paiements IBAN en monnaie locale CHF
• UK – Paiements IBAN GBP
• Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande
• Singapour et autres pays asiatiques

Opzione di pagamento – Italiano Payments Option

Payments Option

Cerchiamo sempre di offrire l’opzione di pagamento più economica per la tua residenza. Lavoriamo costantemente per espandere e migliorare la nostra opzione di pagamento.

All’interno dell’UE e di altri paesi collegati al sistema SEPA, è l’ideale un bonifico bancario gratuito con IBAN in euro e CHF, ciò risparmia le commissioni di cambiamento.

Sei anche il benvenuto a dare suggerimenti su come un pagamento sarebbe più semplice per te. Proveremo quindi a offrirti ulteriori opzioni di pagamento.

• WISE also
• REVOLUT also
• Western Union – Compreso il pagamento della carta


I pagamenti bancari diretti sono possibili da diversi paesi: saremo lieti di verificare se il pagamento tramite bonifico bancario è possibile anche per il tuo paese

• USA e Canada also
• EUROPA – Pagamenti IBAN Euro also
• Svizzera – Pagamenti IBAN in valuta locale CHF also
• UK – Pagamenti IBAN GBP also
• Australia e Nuova Zelanda also
• Singapore e altri paesi asiatici also

Opción de pago – Español Payments Option

Siempre tratamos de ofrecer la opción de pago más barata para su residencia. Estamos trabajando constantemente para expandir y mejorar nuestra opción de pago.

Dentro de la UE y otros países conectados al sistema SEPA, una transferencia bancaria gratuita con Iban en Euros y CHF es ideal, esto ahorra tarifas de cambio.

También puede hacernos sugerencias de cómo un pago sería más fácil para usted. Luego intentaremos ofrecerle más opciones de pago.

Nosotros favorecemos above all
• WISE above all
• REVOLUT above all
• PAYONEER above all
• Western Union – Incluido el pago de la tarjeta

Los pagos bancarios directos son posibles desde varios países; estaremos encantados de comprobar si el pago mediante transferencia bancaria también es posible en su país

• USA y Canadá above all
• EUROPA – Pagos IBAN EURO above all
• Suiza – Pagos IBAN CHF above all
• Gran Bretaña – Pagos IBAN GBP
• Australia y Nueva Zelanda above all
• Singapur y otros países asiáticos above all

Payments Option


Right of withdrawal of products

  • When purchasing products, the consumer has the option to withdraw from the contract within a cooling-off period of 3 days without giving any reason.
  • The production or shipment of the ordered items will not take place during this 3 day cooling-off to contribute  the right to each buyer to withdrawal from the contract without any reasons .  If you want to get your product faster, please contact us that you don`t need the 3 day cooling-off time and we will start to produce or ship the item within 1 working day. If you need the full 3 day cooling-off period, please do the payment after this 3 days.

  • If payments arrive within the 3 day cooling-off period and the buyer withdrawal his purchase, the money will be refunded.

  • After the 3 day cooling-off period, the contract is binding, no product will be taken back, exchanged or reimbursed.

  • After the 3 day cooling-off period has expired, free changes to the items ordered can only be considered if the production status still allows this and the shipment has not yet taken place. If the consumer pays additional fees, the production process can be interrupted even after the 3 day cooling-off period. 

  • If a buyer wishes to cancel the purchase after the 3 day cooling-off period, but before the shipment has been made, this requires the seller’s consent. In this case, at least 50% of the purchase price will be retained for costs that have already arisen through the production or procurement of the item.

  • As soon as the shipment has taken place, cancellation is no longer possible because the products are specially manufactured according to individual customer requirements.


  • Returns are only possible if the wrong product was sent .e.g.  size M  instead of ordered size XL  or a red jacket instead of a black jacket was sent.

  • An exchange, e.g. because the buyer ordered the wrong size, is not possible because the products are only made on special order according to individual customer requirements.

  • If a return takes place for other reasons, in general the buyer has to pay the shipment what should be always the cheapest transport available. The consumer cannot claim back premium shipments. The consumer must handle the product and packaging with care. The consumer should only unpack or use the product to the extent necessary to judge whether or not they wish to keep it. If the consumer makes use of his right of withdrawal, he must return the product and all accessories delivered to the trader at the same time and – if reasonably possible – in their original condition. The retailer reserves the right to withhold a minimum of 20% of the price for repair and packaging costs if the product is not returned in its original condition.

Right of withdrawal when special service is provided Payments Option

  • When providing services such as designing new logos or additional lettering, the consumer has the option of terminating the contract by e-mail without giving a reason with a 3 day cooling-off period. This period begins on the day the contract is concluded.
  • In order to exercise his right of withdrawal, the consumer shall refer to the clear and reasonable instructions communicated to this effect by the trader at the time of the offer and/or, at the latest, at the time of the service provided after the 3 day cooling-off period